
The Wellness Center


The abdominal wall correction involves many techniques selected after considering several parameters: the size of fat overload, skin conditions, the tone of the abdominal muscle, and overall morphology. The patient’s priorities and choices are also the things to consider to deduce the most appropriate strategy for each case.

When a patient requests surgery on the abdominal wall, the surgeon considers two types of cases: (i) Liposuction (ii) abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is a reasonably heavy procedure in plastic surgery. It includes technical improvements made in recent years: lighter anaesthetic procedures, techniques like “superior high tension”, better suture usage, bandages and medical compression sleeves and the addition of more padding.
These improvements resulted in a significant reduction in risks, the after-effects of surgery, improvement in the quality of results and optimized scar diminishing. This intervention removes the most damaged skin and tightens skin.
Sometimes, abdominoplasty and liposuction together treat lesions of the underlying abdominal muscles (hernia, diastasis).


  • A regular pre-operative check-up is necessary before surgery according to the prescriptions
  • Proper consultation with an anaesthetist is mandatory for making decisions regarding anaesthesia dosage at least two days before the operation
  • Stopping possible oral contraception may be required, particularly in cases of associated risk factors like blood coagulation, bad venous state and obesity,
  • Do not take medicines that contain Aspirin ten days before the procedure.
  • Use an antiseptic soap for skin preparation a day before and the morning of the surgery.
  • Observe fast, no oral intake of anything for six to seven hours before the operation..

Surgery time

2 hours


Regional with sedation


1 Night

Recovery time

15 days






  • Keep bandages on for about fifteen days after the operation. Must wear a support girdle for two to four weeks.
  • The pains may vary but not a matter of grave concern.
  • Take leave from work for two to four weeks
  • The scar remains pink for two to three months. After three months, it starts fading away removes entirely after one to three years.
  • Avoid exposure to the Ultra Violet rays of the sun for three months.
  • Resume playing sport from the 6th week after the operation. Start with lighter activities.