The Wellness Center


Calf implants or augmentation is a surgical procedure to improve the productivity of the legs and give them better form and shape. The implants are medically (FDA) approved silicone bodies placed into calf muscle that enhance volume. There are various reasons for lousy conditioning of calf muscles involving any accidental history, muscular disease, or genetics. Thus, through this procedure, the calf muscles regain their expected shape and increase the performance of the legs.


  • Stop smoking at least two months before the operation. If you are planning to quit smoking, it’s the best time.
  • Avoid taking Aspirin, any anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medications as they can cause increased bleeding.
  • Hydration is critical before and after surgery for safe recovery. Ensure plenty of intake of water.
  • The doctor recommends blood and urine tests to all patients and a pregnancy test for women to prepare for anesthesia.
  • The procedure takes place in an outpatient facility. You will need a reliable person to drive you home from our facility and take care of you after surgery at least for a night.

Surgery time

1.5 Hours


General with sedation


1 night

Recovery time

15 Days






  • The incisions will be slightly tender, and you will see swelling on your lower legs. For the pain and discomfort, you may take medicines according to the doctor’s prescription. These symptoms typically subside after a few days.
  • After effects of anaesthesia diminishes, you may have some discomfort. In case of extreme or prolonged-lasting pain or swelling, contact our office. You will also have some bruising and swelling after the surgery.
  • Contact the office for a check-up to determine if your pain, redness, and swelling are normal or a sign of a problem.