The Wellness Center

Cervical Lifting (Neck Rejuvenation)
Rhytidectomy (Facil Lifting)

There are several surgeries to remove the signs of ageing at the face and neck. Cervico-facial lifting is one of the most common; it is the process of correcting and minimizing the signs of ageing in the channel, the face from the sideburns to the jowl area with surgery.

The operation deals with the imbalance of fatty tissue and the subsidence and sagging of the skin and muscles of the face (temples, jowls, eyebrows, cheeks, and oval of the face). The purpose is to let the person regain his appearance gone due to the ageing process. The process redefines the face and neck anatomy (that includes fat, muscle, skin).


  • A regular pre-operative check-up is necessary before surgery, following the doctor’s advice.
  • Proper consultation with an anaesthetist is mandatory for making decisions regarding anaesthetics dosage at least two days before the operation
  • Do not take medication containing Aspirin within three weeks of the procedure.

Surgery time

2-4 hours




1 Night

Recovery time

15 days






  • The patient can take discharge after the operation on the day of surgery or after 48 hours.
  • The ten days following surgery are critical for rest; take plenty of rest and avoid any violent effort.

    Expect the following and do not worry about it:

  • Oedema (swelling) that may become more visible after 24 hours.
  • Bruises in the chin area and neck.
  • The painful or unpleasant feeling of tension, especially behind the ears and around the neck.

  • These bruises and Oedemas will disappear two weeks after surgery under average conditions.
  • The swelling almost disappears after the first month. Ears and cheeks take months to recover
  • In some cases, symptoms like discomfort, tissue stretching, and unpleasant gravity stay for weeks and even up to a few months but will eventually disappear.
  • For the scars, use the hair to hide and on the frontal earlobe, use makeup.
  • Basically, on the fifth or sixth day, you look presentable for close friends, around the twelfth day for other friends.